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Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve



Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve

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18th January

Work for the week Monday 18th January – 22nd January   - Year Three

The times can vary but if possible try to do as much as possible.

For PE please can they try to do something active for 30 minutes a day (Joe Wicks, trampoline, local walk)

Every day reading and handwriting (CGP handwriting book) – 15/30 minutes each

(If they don’t have a book to read at home they can read books on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/)


Monday 18th January

English work

Grammar CGP – Page 24 and 25

Comprehension CGP – Bill’s new frock

Ed shed spelling tasks to complete

BBC link – prepositions https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zs9ytrd


Maths work

CGP – Page 22 and 23

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)

BBC link – multiplication and division https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhchscw


Tuesday 19th January

English work

Read and enjoy the following chapters from The Twits by Roald Dahl Hairy Faces Mr Twit Dirty Beards Mrs Twit


Find exciting words and new words from the text and write them down e.g. tufts, matted, wise etc. Discuss meanings of these words together and try to do some sentences with these words in.

*Grammar CGP – Page 26 and 27

BBC link – tenses recap https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4fq96f

*Ed shed spelling tasks to complete

Maths work

CGP – Page 24 and 25

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)

BBC link addition - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z78q8hv



Wednesday 20th January

Re-read the chapters together about Mr Twit and Dirty Beards https://silo.pub/the-twits.html

Create a character description of Mr Twit – really think about what he looks like

Grammar CGP – Page 28 and 29

BBC link – suffixes https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6vc86f

Maths work

CGP – Page 26 and 27

Number of the week sheet – see the file attached (Dojo)

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)

BBC link – addition and subtraction https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z73gf82


Thursday 21st January

English – Have another read of the comprehension ‘Bill’s new frock’. Draw what you think Bill looks like and then using the comprehension pick out the speech (look for the inverted commas – “This can’t be true” said Bill. Can you do some speech bubbles for Bill with things he would say.


Maths work

CGP page 28 and 29

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)


Friday 22nd January

English work

Comprehension CGP – Let’s get growing

Grammar – Page 30 and 31

BBC link – verbs in the past tense https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh4thbk

Ed shed spelling tasks to complete

Maths work

CGP – page 30 and 31

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)


Afternoon work is still based on the country you picked last week.

This week focus on :-

  • Sports (what sports do they play in that country?)
  • Important people (famous singers? Footballers? Authors? Chefs? Etc)
  • Leisure and pastime (what do they do for entertainment?)


Computing - This week they can start to do some computing. Our computing is based on BLOCK CODING. The children can log in following the blue link and then put the username and password in.

CLICK THIS LINK for the discovery espresso coding program 

OUR SCHOOL account Pupil Log in is:

User name:   student18754

Password:     ingolbee 

They need to select the four lines at the top and click on BLOCK CODING. Then go to level 3 (for Y3). They can do the refresher levels first (level 1 and 2) to remind them of coding they have previously done. They then can go to the sequence and animation tab. They need to watch the video clip to see how to do the tasks. When they have watched the video they need to do the code themselves (by moving the pictures) and press RUN (at the bottom of the screen)

