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Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve



Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve

Contact Us

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8th February

Work for the week Monday 8th  February – 12th February    - Year Three

 Please upload photos of work done every day.

Try to do something active every day – walk, run, Joe Wicks or playing in the garden.

Every day reading and handwriting (CGP handwriting book) – 15/30 minutes each

(If they don’t have a book to read at home they can read books on here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/)


Monday 8th February

English work

Grammar CGP – Page 52 and 53

BBC link - apostrophes for possession https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zbkcvk7/articles/zx9ydxs


Comprehension CGP – Robotic baby penguin.

 Ed shed spelling tasks to complete


Maths work

CGP – Page 52 and 53

Oak academy link – bar graphs https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-and-interpreting-bar-graphs-chhk6c?step=1&activity=intro_quiz

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)


Afternoon –(Internet safety)  https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/detective-digiduck-virtual-assembly-3-7s Watch the clip about Digiduck. Can you draw pictures to explain what happened? __________________________________________________

Tuesday 9th February  

English work

English – Watch the clip Marshmallows https://www.literacyshed.com/marshmallows.html#

Think about the setting (where the clip takes place). Can you describe the setting using prepositions. On the floor … Around the fire … Behind the boy ..


*Grammar CGP – Page 54 and 55

Using it’s and its correctly link - https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=using+its+and+it%27s+correctly+children&view=detail&mid=0DFA546FA9FBEE54FDF80DFA546FA9FBEE54FDF8&FORM=VIRE

*Ed shed spelling tasks to complete


Maths work

CGP – Page 54 and 55

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)

Oak academy 3 times table work - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/recalling-the-3-times-table-c8tp4d


Afternoon work - (Internet safety) COMPETITION TIME - Create a poster warning the public about ‘Fake News’ and the dangers of unreliable sources of information.

 Follow this link to the competition ideas. https://www.ingol.lancsngfl.ac.uk/safer-internet-day-2021/


Wednesday 10th February  

English – Watch the Marshmallows clip again. Can you now draw your own monster and describe them. Tell me what food it eats to keep it calm (change it from Marshmallows)


Grammar CGP – Page 56 and 57

BBC link inverted commas for speech - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/ztcp97h


Maths work

CGP – Page 56 and 57  

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)

Topmarks link - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 (drop down menu level 3 multiplication – particularly x3 and x4)


Afternoon work  Watch this clip and then produce a poster about staying safe on the internet. https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2021/i-am-educator/safer-internet-day-films/films-5-11-year


Thursday 11th February

English –

Comprehension – High adventure, page 18 and 19.

Grammar CGP – Page 58 and 59  

Maths work

CGP Page 58 and 59   

Oak academy perimeter - https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-calculate-perimeters-of-2d-shapes-in-cm-and-mm-cnj3ae

BBC bitesize division - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbhmdp3

TT rockstars – 15 minutes

Afternoon work – Coding (see information at the bottom of the page)


Friday 12th  February  

English work

Thinking of the High adventure comprehension from yesterday I want you to imagine that you were there climbing mount Everest. Write a diary entry about how you felt, if you enjoyed it, who was with you, what did you take with you, what adventures did you get up to. Make it as exciting as you can and remember to use capital letters, spaces, full stops and other punctuation you can.


Grammar – Page 60 and 61


Ed shed spelling tasks to complete

Maths work

CGP – Page 60 and 61

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)


Afternoon work – Find out food that is popular in the country you picked and also draw the flag for that country.




Afternoon work – country topic work, computing and internet safety tasks.


Internet safety tasks – click the link to our school website https://www.ingol.lancsngfl.ac.uk/safer-internet-day-2021/


  • Using the country you picked, can you find out about

This week focus on :-

  • Food
  • Flag of the country
  • Maps of the country


  • Computing – Try to do some more coding this week – one session will be great.  

CLICK THIS LINK for the discovery espresso coding program 

OUR SCHOOL account Pupil Log in is:

User name:   student18754

Password:     ingolbee 

They need to select the four lines at the top and click on BLOCK CODING. Then go to level 3 (for Y3). They can do the refresher levels first (level 1 and 2) to remind them of coding they have previously done. They then can go to the sequence and animation tab. They need to watch the video clip to see how to do the tasks. When they have watched the video they need to do the code themselves (by moving the pictures) and press RUN (at the bottom of the screen)
