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Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve



Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve

Contact Us

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Week 5 (1st - 5th February)

This week is Children's Mental Health Week! 

Activities can be found in the home learning, PHSE Mental Health and Wellbeing folder, or click the link below.


The topics this week for your country are:

  • Traditions
  • Religion
  • Culture
  • Language

Throughout the week you can use the links below for further learning. Please also try to read a few pages of a book of your choice each day. 


Daily 10 mental maths questions: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10


TT Rock stars: https://ttrockstars.com


EdShed: https://www.edshed.com


Espresso Coding: https://online.espresso.co.uk/espresso/login/Authn/UserPassword

OUR SCHOOL account Pupil Log in is:

User name: student18754

Password: ingolbee


Click on Block coding in the top menu and click on the level (levels match year groups e.g. Y6 - level6)

ART - Sketching

Sketching/ drawing

Watch the video below before you begin (BBC Bitesize Link). Divide your page into 8 sections to practice the techniques. Can you think of a shading technique of your own?

Science - Forces

Watch video introducing Newton and his theory of gravity.

Try this by dropping a piece  of play doh (or something similar like a pebble), and observing what happens.

Q what is happening?

    Would a Feather fall in the same way?

     Would a piece of paper fall the same way?

    What would be the same/ different?


How could you test your theories at home?

Think of ways to design a fair test at home that will answer your questions. remember you will need to think about the forces that are acting on the object that is falling, along with what would impact on those forces.

some ideas could be: size, weight or surface area.

Monday 1st February



CGP Comprehension, pg. 18-19, Tracking Baskin Sharks.




CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, pg.21, Co-ordinating Conjunctions.

The Conjunctions match up game click the link below


Learning Link:

What are co-ordinating Conjunctions? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/z9wvqhv



CGP Targeted Question Book, pg. 28, Equivalent fractions.


Now text your skills on the interactive game below


Learning Link:

Great online tool to visualise fractions https://www.geogebra.org/m/MSFCTyph



In this video, you'll use your imagination to boost your superpowers of focus and calm by relaxing each part of your body with the help of a magical butterfl...

Tuesday 2nd February




The children in the comprehension text wanted to own a restaurant when they grew up. Write me a paragraph about what you would like to do when you grow up and why you think you would be successful. Think about your qualities and also what you might have to do to achieve your goal. 



CGP 10 Minute Workout Book, pg.8-9, Autumn Workout 4.

CGP Targeted Question Book, pg. 29, Ordering Fractions.


For interactive ordering fractions games click below



Learning Links:



Disney Mix | At Home Dance Workout With Warm Up and Cool Down | Family Friendly Fitness

You guys asked and I've finally delivered! A family-friendly Disney workout that you can do with you kids! Full of fun moves and tunes you know and love (plu...

Wednesday 3rd February




CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, pg. 22 and 23, Subordinating conjunctions and conjunctions for cohesion.


Handwriting Book, pg. 8, Marvellous Modal Verbs. 


Subordinating Conjunctions online game link below


Learning Links:





CGP Targeted Question Book, pg. 30-31, Adding and subtracting fractions.


Adding fractions fruit splat game link below.



Learning Link:


🏆💪SUPER SIMPLE STRETCHES For Kids & Gymnasts 🤸‍♀️ Build a STRONG Body 💪🥇

HEY KIDS! Do you want to be STRONG and be awesome in sports and gymnastics?!?! 💪💪💪💪 The stronger and more flexible you are, the better you'll become at...

Thursday 4th February




In the Reading comprehension today, Amber took her Pet Mouse to school for 'show and tell'. What special thing would you take to school and what would you tell people about it? Why is it special? Where did you get it from? 



CGP Targeted Question Book, pg.32-33, multiplying with Fractions.


Multiplying Fractions by whole numbers game below


Learning Links:


KIDZ BOP Kids - Good Feeling (Dance Along)

Get movin' with the KIDZ BOP Kids to "Good Feeling"! Then, show us how YOU stay active by posting a video with the hashtag, #MoveItMarch.🎵 #KIDZBOP38: 🎵Ama...

Friday 5th February



CGP Comprehension Book, pg. 20-21, A Letter from E.B. White.




CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Book, pg.24-25, Prepositions.


Online games below





CGP Mental Workout, pg.4, Exercise 4.

CGP Targeted Maths Book, pg. 34-35, Writing Decimals as Fractions.


Learning Links:


Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Superheroes Unite (Dance-A-Long)

Subscribe to our YouTube channel please: http://bit.ly/1COOtII Koo Koo Kanga Roo's Superheroes Unite (Dance-A-Long Video)MORE KOO KOO:► Spotify: http://bit.l...
