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Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve



Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve

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Year 5 Curriculum Overview Spring 1

Spring 1 in Year 5

Below is a brief overview of the Year 5 curriculum coverage for the 1st half of the Spring term.


This term, Year 5 will focus on the graphic novel, 'The invention of Hugo Cabret' by the author Brian Selznick. They will analyse the characters and their relationships, study themes and make comparisons. Through this, they will complete a range of short writing tasks before rewriting an ending to the story. They will continue to focus on year 5 grammar skills, particularly complex sentences and dialogue. 


Our maths learning this half term will begin with place value, this will have a particular link to counting and negative numbers. They will use written and mental strategies to add and subtract large numbers. We will then move onto looking at more number working including factors, multiples and multiplication. They will then use this knowledge to calculate length before moving onto looking at mass and capacity and the units of measure for those. This term will revisit geometry with a focus on reflection and translation of shapes. At the end of term, the children will again revisit angles and their properties.


This term the children will be looking at forces. The children will begin by looking into the force of gravity and how objects fall towards the Earth. They will also be introduced to Isaac Newton, who was the scientist that identified gravity. This will lead into the children understanding other types of forces such as air resistance, water resistance, friction and many more. The children will have opportunity to plan out an investigation and complete their investigation. The children will then lead into being able to recognise mechanisms. 



Geography this term will be a study of Cumbria.

The children will begin the topic by identifying counties in England using an 8-point compass. We will then move on to looking at the location of Cumbria and its physical features. In order to understand more about the county, the children will research tourism and industry. Finally we will compare our findings about Cumbria with the learning we completed about Thuringia in the Autumn term. 


This term we will be looking at Hinduism - Dharma they will anaylse stories related to the Hindu God 'Krishna'. This is a way of looking at the importance of told stories for aspects of Hinduism to discuss that, in life, is there just one journey or are there many?


This term the children be looking at what is it like 'living in the wider world'. They will look at what it is like to belong to a community and how we can show compassion towards others as well as how we can protect our environment. This will lead into the children looking at media literacy and digital resilience as to how information online is targeted and the different media types there is today. 


This term the children be looking at spreadsheets using excel and what the different features are and what spreadsheets are predominantly used for.


This term the children be looking at make you feel my love by Bob Dylan - a Pop Ballad sung by Adele. The children will learn to find the pulse, rhythm and pitch of the music before learning to sing and perform it. 


This term the children will learn about pets in French, how to ask and respond to questions that ask how many pets,  what kind of pet,  and what their pet is called. 
