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Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve



Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve

Contact Us

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1st February

PSHE work - based on mental health awareness week. 

1. Listen to the story 'Feelings' on youtube -  


Can you write down what feelings you can think of. Draw an emoji that matches those feelings. Could you even do some of theses feelings craft activities? 


2. Another story to listen to is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu9capmEY5I&t=50s

Can you do your own fish that shows what you like - make it bright and colourful. 


3. Remember we are all different and have many interests of our own. Can you do pictures and words that are important to you - friends, family, food, hobbies etc. Do your own identity map. 


4. Can you try to do a random act of kindness for someone in your house. It can be anything at all - tidying your room, helping with the washing, saying something nice etc. Write it down and send it to me so i know what you have done :) 




Work for the week Monday 1st February – 5th February    - Year Three

The times can vary but if possible try to do as much as possible. Please upload photos of work done every day.

For PE please can they try to do something active for 30 minutes a day (Joe Wicks, trampoline, local walk)

Every day reading and handwriting (CGP handwriting book) – 15/30 minutes each

(If they don’t have a book to read at home they can read books on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/)



Monday 1st February

English work

Grammar CGP – Page 42 and 43

Comprehension CGP – The Demon headteacher. Then draw what you think a demon headteacher would look like – label them using good adjectives.

Ed shed spelling tasks to complete


Maths work

CGP – Page 42 and 43

Practice the 3 and 4 times tables

BBC link - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-maths-the-3-times-table/z6sw382

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)


Tuesday 2nd February  

English work

English – Read the Demon headmaster again and then answer these questions.


  1. What was the playground full of?
  2. What games did Dinah think there would be?
  3. What were all the children doing?
  4. Which group were chanting the countries?
  5. What is the capital of France?
  6. Why do you think Lucy was scared when she couldn’t remember the capital city of the USA?


Watch the demon headmaster clip https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6lybm1 What did you like about it? Dislike?

*Grammar CGP – Page 44 and 45

*Ed shed spelling tasks to complete


Maths work

CGP – Page 44 and 45

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)

Link to topmarks game - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 (Level 3 ordering from the drop down menu)


Wednesday 3rd February  

English – Watch this clip of Mr and Mrs Twit  https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p011lw94


Discuss the film clip together.

 What happened?  What did Mrs Twit do? Why?  What would you have done?  How did Mr Twit react? How would you have reacted?


Grammar CGP – Page 46 and 47

BBC link commas - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zc773k7


Maths work

CGP – Page 46 and 47  

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)

Topmarks link - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 (drop down menu level 3 addition)


Thursday 4th February

English –

Watch the clip from yesterday again and then write the story of Mr and Mrs Twit and the Spaghetti in your own words.  Can you do a picture for each part of the story.


Grammar CGP – Page 48 and 49  

Maths work

CGP page 48 and 49  

TT rockstars – 15 minutes


Friday 5th February  

English work

Read another chapter from ‘The twits’ from the book and enjoy together  



  Discuss if you would like to be Mr Twit or Mrs Twit and why? Write this with reasons. 


Which chapter did you like best? Write a recommendation or book review of your favourite chapter. 


Write a diary as if you were Mr or Mrs Twit based on one of the chapters.



Grammar – Page 50 and 51

Ed shed spelling tasks to complete

BBC link -


Maths work

CGP – page 50 and 51

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)


Afternoon work is still based on the country you picked.

This week focus on :- traditions from the country

  • Religion - can you find out what religion they worship?
  •  Language - can you find out any words from that country?

Could you translate some words into the language from your country? _____________________________________________________________________________________

Computing – Try to do some more coding this week – one session will be great.  

CLICK THIS LINK for the discovery espresso coding program 

OUR SCHOOL account Pupil Log in is:

User name:   student18754

Password:     ingolbee 

They need to select the four lines at the top and click on BLOCK CODING. Then go to level 3 (for Y3). They can do the refresher levels first (level 1 and 2) to remind them of coding they have previously done. They then can go to the sequence and animation tab. They need to watch the video clip to see how to do the tasks. When they have watched the video they need to do the code themselves (by moving the pictures) and press RUN (at the bottom of the screen)









