Year 3
Year 3
Mr Hughes - Y3 Class Teacher
Mrs Watts - Y3 Teaching Assistant
Mr. Parkinson - 1:1 Teaching Assistant
Mrs. Brown - 1:1 Teaching Assistant
Welcome to Year 3 - Autumn 2nd half
I hope you all had an relaxing half term and have enjoyed the Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations. As always, any issues or questions you have, please don't hesitate to contact me on class dojo:
Please have a look at the following information to see what we will be doing throughout the first half term
A Bear Called Paddington
We will be be continuing to look at stories about 'A Bear Called Paddington'. This is an excellent unit of work which allows children to build on skills from Year 2 and help with understanding of expectations in Year 3. We will be looking at planning and creating our own chapters for Paddington.
Following on and, linking to Paddington, we will be researching information on London. We will b researching different landmarks and sites around UKs capital city in order to write an information booklet on it. This will also help us when comparing to our own county that we live in, Lancashire, which we will be learning about in Geography.
Throughout the year, in maths we will be following the Red Rose Year 3 Mastery. This half term, we will be looking at multiplication, division, time and 3D shape.
If you need any support with the maths units we are covering this term (in regards to any homework that maybe linked to maths), please don't hesitate to contact me via dojo or, speaking to me before or after school. Alternatively, look at the following links for support:
During this half term, we will be investigating Rocks, Soils and Fossils, different types and layers, experiments involving density and permeability and the process at which fossils are formed.
Foundation Subjects.
PE this half term will be on a Tuesdays and Thursdays. This term, we will be focussing on invading and protecting space. In Team Theme, children will be practicing tennis and with Mr Hughes on Thursdays, children will be practicing Rugby skills. and will be focusing on games and dance. The children can come to school on these days in their school PE kits. However, when the weather is colder the children can come in dark coloured tracksuit/joggers.
In RE, we will be looking at Christianity and what a good leader looks like. This will be focussing on Bible stories of Prophets such as Moses
In History, our focus this half term and we will be looking at The Stone Age. This is a very exciting topic and I know the children will enjoy learning about how Th Stone Age people live (linking to our first two weeks of English and, our class novel, The Stone Age Hunters, Gatherers and Wooly Mammoths), artefacts from this age and predicting what they were used for and looking at cave paintings.
In French we will be learning how to speak and write colours and numbers.
Other Useful Information.
Homework will be given out every Friday, to be handed in for the following Thursday. Children know the expectations are to try and read three times a week (I've said I don't expect them to finish a book but, at least 15 minutes each read). If they complete their homework and reading early. they will be rewarded with Class Dojos and go in the weekly draw for a prize.
We had a visit from John Vale today. The children learnt about different creatures and had the chance to hold them. They had a great time!
Portraits and buildings from our country research
Home and school lockdown learning
Science volcano experiment
Our classroom
Harvest song 😊
White Rose maths is a fantastic resource to use. It has a video to talk you through what the lesson is about. Please try to do one every day.
Home learning - Afer Easter links
English work
The Park text and comprehension questions -
Fact sheet about bumblebees and questions -
Space tet and comprehension -
Grammar questions -
Maths work
Addition reasoning problems -
Arthmetic questions -
Science questions linked to Year Three learning -
Home/school learning in the event of school closure - Spring 2020
Activities set for home learning can be found by clicking on the links below:
White Rose maths is a fantastic resource to use. It has a video to talk you through what the lesson is about. Please try to do one every day.
White Rose Maths - Free resources
WHITE ROSE MATHS Home learning
(Click on the link below) for daily lessons and activities including video tutorials for each year group.