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Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve



Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve

Contact Us

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25th January

Work for the week Monday 25th January – 29nd January   - Year Three

The times can vary but if possible try to do as much as possible. Please upload photos of work done every day.

For PE please can they try to do something active for 30 minutes a day (Joe Wicks, trampoline, local walk)

Every day reading and handwriting (CGP handwriting book) – 15/30 minutes each

(If they don’t have a book to read at home they can read books on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/)



Monday 25th January

English work

Grammar CGP – Page 32 and 33

Comprehension CGP – Daddy fell into the pond  

Ed shed spelling tasks to complete


Maths work

CGP – Page 32 and 33

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)

BBc link - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zs6j4xs


Tuesday 26th January

English work

Read the comprehension again from yesterday – Daddy fell into the pond.

  1. Can you pick out all the words that have the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’. Maybe put it into a grid like this





  1. Can you now pick out all the rhymes in the poem – remember to look at the end of the lines.
  2. How many verses does the poem have?
  3. Can you draw a picture that matches each verse – think about what the sky is like, what people are doing etc


*Grammar CGP – Page 34 and 35

*Ed shed spelling tasks to complete


Maths work

CGP – Page 34 and 35

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)

Link to topmarks game - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 (Level 3 - subtraction from the drop down menu)


Wednesday 27th January

Looking at the comprehension again can you draw a setting of a pond. Imagine you are at the pond. What is around the pond? what is in the pond? what is the water like? What can you hear? What can you see? What smells can you smell? Does it have a bridge that goes over? Does it have a fence, walls or benches? Write a good description of your pond.



For example - In the beautiful blue water there are five little yellow ducklings. The water is nice, calm and peaceful. I can hear birds above me …



Grammar CGP – Page 36 and 37

BBC link - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/english-ks1--ks2-where-do-you-put-capital-letters/zkbhf4j

Maths work

CGP – Page 36 and 37

Number of the week sheet – see the file attached (Dojo)

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)


Thursday 21st January

English –

Looking again at the ‘Daddy fell into the pond’ poem can you write your own sentences with these words from the poem. Remember to check what the words mean if you don’t know.



What it means

Sentence with the word in



















Grammar CGP – Page 38 and 39

Maths work

CGP page 38 and 39

TT rockstars – 15 minutes

Link topmarks subtraction - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/subtraction-grids


Friday 22nd January

English work

Today I want you to do a talk for writing story map like we do in class – using pictures to show the events of the poem. Remember you don’t have to do every single event. You can do it on the computer or draw them like we do in class.



Everyone grumbled             The sky was grey                Nothing to say or do         Daddy fell in the pond


Grammar – Page 40 and 41

Ed shed spelling tasks to complete

BBC link – Questions https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh6yp4j

Maths work

CGP – page 40 and 41

TT rockstars – 15 minutes (or more)


Afternoon work is still based on the country you picked last week.

This week focus on :- places of interest

  • Houses/ homes and significant buildings

Could you be creative and make one of the buildings?



Computing – Try to do some more coding this week – one session will be great.  

CLICK THIS LINK for the discovery espresso coding program 

OUR SCHOOL account Pupil Log in is:

User name:   student18754

Password:     ingolbee 

They need to select the four lines at the top and click on BLOCK CODING. Then go to level 3 (for Y3). They can do the refresher levels first (level 1 and 2) to remind them of coding they have previously done. They then can go to the sequence and animation tab. They need to watch the video clip to see how to do the tasks. When they have watched the video they need to do the code themselves (by moving the pictures) and press RUN (at the bottom of the screen)










