11th January
Every morning please try to get your child to do 15minutes reading and 15 minutes handwriting (in the CGP book)
They have also been set some assignment tasks on Ed shed www.edshed.com for English and Maths. TTrockstars is also available for the children to use daily for 10/15 minutes www.ttrockstars.co.uk . I will award dojo points for accessing the sites and for uploading work to dojo.
Monday 11th January
English - Grammar CGP page 19
English - CGP Building Stonehenge (Page 4 and 5)
Maths – CGP pages 16 and 17.
Then practice the 4 times tables.
Don't forget to log in to the zoom at 11.30am - Details are on the dojo page
Virtual link Maths - Place value
Virtual link English - apostrophes
Tuesday 12th January
English – look back at the comprehension text from yesterday (Building Stonehenge). Can you pick out 10 facts and then write them down in your own words. Can you add pictures?
For example – People used deer antlers to break up the ground.
Maths – CGP pages 18 and 19
Then practice the 4 times tables.
Virtual link Maths - Ordering numbers
Virtual link English - identify main characters
Wednesday 13th January
English - Grammar CGP pages 20-21
English CGP- comprehension (Nature trail pages 6 and 7)
Maths – CGP pages 20 and 21
Virtual link - rounding numbers
Virtual links English - suffixes
Thursday 14th January
Look at the comprehension from yesterday and first pick out all the rhyming words. For example – frog and log.
Then draw and label 5 different creatures that are in the text.
Grammar CGP page 22-23
Maths – CGP pages 14 and 15
Virtual link - rounding to the multiple of ten
Virtual link English - simple sentences
Friday 15th January
Looking again at the nature trail text can you pick one creature and create a fact file for it.
Maths – CGP pages 16 and 17
Virtual link Maths - rounding to the nearest 100
Virtual link English - retell and sequence the story
Afternoon work for the children - Home Learning Topic
Starting on Monday 11th January you need to pick a country of your choice. We will be researching different things about the country.
- Weather/climate
- Traditions
- Food
- Important people in that country
- Sports
- Leisure and pastime
- Cities/towns within the country
- Places of interest
- Houses and home/ buildings
- Flags and maps
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Significant buildings |