Class Information
Year 1 Weekly Timetable
Home Reading
If your child reads at home, either their allocated reading book or another book from home, please let us know using the yellow home reading record. We change reading books daily so if these are brought back in to school we will change your childs book for a new one.
We give out certificates on Fridays for reading 10, 25, 50 and 100 books!
Year 1 PE slots are on Mondays and Fridays. On PE days children must come to school wearing their PE kits. Please ensure all kit has your childs name clearly on the labels to avoid getting mixed up!
Homework is given out every Friday. Children will receive 2 pieces of homework in their orange homework books each week, 1 English piece (reading or writing) and 1 maths piece. Homework must be completed by the following Thursday and brought back into school, allowing enough time it to be marked and then the new homework added. When children bring in their homework books with completed homework they will receive DOJO points.
Any questions or Issues with homework, please contact us on class DOJO.