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Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve



Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve

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Year 5 Curriculum Overview Autumn 1

Autumn 1 in Year 5


Below is a brief overview of the Year 5 curriculum coverage for the 1st half of the Autumn term.




Our English this term will focus on the book 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe', by C.S Lewis. We will begin the term by exploring life as a child during World War II. The children will then analyse the character 'Mr Tumnus', before creating their own mythical creatures. This will then lead into the writing of a non-chronological report. Once we have gained a knowledge of the story and characters, the children will then write their own narrative based on the model of the book, Their mythical creature will then be a character in their own story. 



Maths for the first half term is all about place value. Children will be learning to read, write, order and compare numbers to 1,000,000. Identifying and representing numbers on a number line. Counting forwards and backwards in powers of 10 and decimal steps. Describing and extending number sequences including those with multiplication and division steps. Rounding numbers to the nearest including decimals. Using mental and written strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  



We will begin our learning on materials this term in science, with a focus on material properties. The children will complete a number of activities and tests to discover which materials are best suited for a variety of purposes. 




Our History topic this term is a study of 'The Stuarts'.  The children will use history skills to create and answer questions within the historical period. They will study the King James I and his 'Devine right to rule'. Discuss how Guy Fawkes' actions changed the path of history. Use sources to decide whether Oliver Cromwell was a hero or a villain. Link the civil war with local history. Finally they will consider why the plague spread so quickly before comparing it to the recent Covid-19 outbreak. 





  • Friendships and the need to feel included.
  • Peer influence and approval. 
  • Strategies to solve disputes.
  • To recognise that everyone should be treated equally.
  • What discrimination is and the different types of discrimination.
  • Safely challenging and reporting discrimination.




This term we will be combining the learning objectives of both DT and ICT to create, Programmable moving objects. The children will create a design then use crumble kits to bring them to life. 


In PE the children will learn and practice a range of gymnastic moves and balances before creating their own group sequences.
