Year 5 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2
Autumn 2 in Year 5
Below is a brief overview of the Year 5 curriculum coverage for the 2nd half of the Autumn term.
For the first week back, we will be looking at classic narrative poetry. The children will look at the structure and features of war poetry before writing their own, in preparation for remembrance day. Following poetry week, the children will be learning all about stories with a historical setting. they will gain knowledge and vocabulary linked to Victorian life before we read the novel 'Wild Boy' by the author Rob Lloyd Jones. We will study the story, characters and setting to enable us complete short writing tasks in different genres. The end focus will be to write their own chapter for the end of the story. For the last 3 weeks of the Autumn term, the children will identify the features of a play/playscript. They will then use this to write and perform their own scene linked to 'Wild Boy'
Our maths learning this half term will begin with multiplication, this will have a particular link to measures . They will use written and mental strategies to find the area and familiarise themselves with the term 'squared'. We will then move onto geometry, where the children will learn to identify, estimate, measure and draw angles. They will then use this knowledge to recognise regular and irregular polygons, find missing sides and angles in a variety of shapes, then measure and calculate perimeter in composite rectilinear shapes. This term, the children will also continue to read, write and convert time in both digital and analogue forms, as well as being able to convert between 12 and 24 hour clock. They will then use this knowledge to solve time problems and interpret information in tables and timetables. At the end of term, we will be learning about fractions. This will include counting in fractions and mixed number steps, link their knowledge of fractions to equivalent fractions and decimal equivalents, and compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number.
This term the children will be looking at changes of materials. The children will begin by looking into the states of matter and how they can be heated or cooled to change state. This will lead into the children using this knowledge to understand how materials can be separated. The children will then investigate whether materials are soluble or insoluble and describe how to recover substances from those solutions. Finally, the children will identify changes that are reversible. They will do this by taking part in experiments and working together to understand their findings.
Autumn 2 is all about volcanoes! We will be learning about the layers of the earth and how tectonic plates shift to form volcanoes. The children will then identify the parts of a volcano and study the various types. Finally, we will focus on categorising volcanoes as active, dormant or extinct, and looking at the benefits and disadvantages of living near a volcano.
Linking in with our book 'Wild Boy' we will be designing a theatre set in art. The children will need to think about colours, textures, perspective and size to create a set for a particular scene.
The children will focus on cricket in their PE session with Team theme on Tuesdays. There will be no PE each Wednesday this term as the children will complete a 2 week block of swimming lessons (18/11/24 - 29/11/24). Please ensure that children have a complete swimming kit with them each day.
In RE, Year 5 will learn about the Islamic faith and look at why the Qur'an is important to Muslims.
This term we will learn how to ask about and describe the weather. They will also practice being a weather reporter using the compass points to describe the weather in various areas.
The children will learn how to play the glockenspiel. They will learn a tune and using those notes only, add a piece to it through improvisation.
Computing systems and networks is the focus for Year 5 ICT this term. the children will learn about a variety of systems and identify their uses. they will then look at searching using systems and to achieve accurate search results.
In PHSE we will continue our learning on relationships with Lauren from Connect and Respect.