Chair= Nigel Malyon
Vice Chair= Chantelle Garrity
Treasurer= Selina Adams
Secretary= Kim Heath
Public Relations= Emma Deans
Other members= Beth Pickering & Fay Malyon
Massive thanks to all that attended the Christmas Fayre. We raised over £1,000 to go towards our school minibus.
Headteacher Message
I have frequently been humbled by the dedicated support and breadth of expertise that the parent community has provided to the school in recent times.
Never has this support been more appreciated than in the past few years as the school has seen year on year government spending constraints result in an 8% cut in real term funding, whilst our costs continue to increase. The school has ambitious plans to develop a number of new facilities and the PTA will be instrumental in helping the school realise these ambitions.
The PTA provides the school a lifeline that allows us to enhance the learning experience for our students. In addition, it provides a welcome contribution to the school operations and vital support to extra-curricular activities and events.
I would like to offer my sincere thanks to all the parent community who contribute to the school’s endeavours.