General Information
Welcome to Year 5. I am Mrs Goulding, the class teacher, and this will be my 7th Year at Ingol Community Primary School. In our class, we are very lucky to have Miss McQuade & Miss Mohammed as the teaching assistants.
Class Dojo
At Ingol Community Primary School, we use Class Dojo as a reward system and as a method in which to communicate with parents and carers. Once you have set up an account using your child's login, you will have access to photos, class story, dojos awarded, as well as the ability to send messages directly to the class teacher. In Year 5 the dojo system is used on a daily basis, so we would like all parents to support this.
Homework is sent home each Friday. This will consist of spellings to learn in preparation for the spelling test each Monday and a variety of English or maths tasks linked to our curriculum. This must be handed in by Wednesday morning.
Home Reading
Reading is an important aspect of school life and the foundation for all other subjects.
To enable pupils to be confident readers, each day the children will participate in a guided reading session. This consists of tasks, comprehension and reading with the teacher.
In year 5 the children are expected to read at home a minimum of three times per week, and this must be recorded in their yellow reading record. I ask the children to update their own reading records and write me 3 facts about the section they have read. Reading records must be brought to school on a daily basis and are monitored daily. As an alternative, children can use their Bug Club login at home to complete reading online. In year 5, children are responsible for changing their own books and can do this every morning.
Team Theme will be delivering a PE lesson every Tuesday and a further lesson will take place on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes to school on PE days wearing a suitable PE kit, which is clearly labelled with their name, and that earrings can be removed by you child before the lesson (preferably left at home). Long hair must also be tied up. Swimming will take place in Autumn 2 for a 2 week block of lessons (18th - 29th November).
Times Tables
Each Week, the children will complete a times table challenge. In year 5 they are working towards achieving 60 times tables in 3 minutes. You can help your child achieve this, by practicing times tables at home or using the TT Rock Stars website which is funded by the school.
To access TT Rock Stars, click the link below and enter the login details provided at the front of your homework book.