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Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve



Ingol Community

Primary School

Dream, Inspire, Achieve

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Termly Curriculum News

Year Four – Spring 1st term



A warm welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all!                                               

English (reading and writing)

Literacy work has a narrative and non-fiction focus including persuasion and a novel with a theme. Pupils will be reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to stimulate interest and explore new and related vocabulary. Spelling, punctuation and grammar rules will be covered daily to ensure pupils are developing their literacy skills.


Maths will focus on: place value and number including decimals and negative numbers including temperatures. Written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and Fractions.


Please note that Year 4 will be sitting a national times tables test in the summer term. Therefore, it is extremely important that pupils learn the multiplication facts up to x12. They will be tested every Thursday in class and they will be working towards achieving 50 times tables in 3 minutes.

You can help your child to achieve this by practising times tables at home or using TT Rockstars website which is funded by the school.

Further curriculum subjects & Topic

  • The new Science topic is about teeth and digestion. Pupils will be able to describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. They will learn about the different types of teeth in humans/animals and their functions.
  • The History topic will focus on the ‘Tudor’ period. Pupils will explore Tudor monarchs including Henry the VIII and learn about the Tudor times.
  • In Art & Design, the focus will be on drawing skills.
  • In RE, the pupils will learn about Sikhism including stories, artefacts and  festivals that are important to the Sikhs.

Class reminders

P.E is on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes into school dressed in the appropriate kit on those days.

Homework and spellings will be handed out on Fridays and expected to be in school by the following Thursday.

Home reading and Times Tables Practice is encouraged every night.


Year Four – Autumn 2nd term


A warm welcome back to school for all the Year 4 pupils for the start of an exciting new half term.  


English (reading and writing)

Literacy work has a narrative and non-fiction focus including poetry, play scripts and non-chronological reports. Pupils will be reading a variety of texts to stimulate interest and explore new and related vocabulary. Spelling, punctuation and grammar rules will be covered daily to ensure pupils are developing their Literacy skills.


Maths will focus on; place value and number, mental/written multiplication and division, classifying 3D shapes and calculating time.

Please note that Year 4 will be sitting a national times tables test in the summer term. Therefore, it is extremely important that pupils learn the multiplication facts up to x12. They will be tested every Thursday in class and they will be working towards achieving 50 times tables in 3 minutes.

You can help your child to achieve this by practising times tables at home or using TT Rockstars website which is funded by the school.



Further curriculum subjects & Topic

  • The new Science topic is Electricity which will involve pupils in constructing a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. They will also be able to recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors.
  • The Geography topic this term involves the children in exploring Spain including its physical geography, climate, culture food and architecture.
  • In RE, the focus is on Christianity and Advent on the run up to Christmas.
  • Our ICT topic will be focused on creating media.
  • In Design and Technology, pupils will design and create a ‘light up’ box.
  • Our PSHE focus will be on relationships with friends and family including Online Safety.

Class reminders

P.E is on a Tuesday and Wednesday.  Please ensure that your child wears a PE kit on those days.

Homework and spellings will be handed out on Fridays and expected to be in school by the following Thursday.

Home reading and Times Tables practice are encouraged every night.



Year Four – Autumn 1st term 


A very warm welcome back to school for all the year 4 pupils for the start of an exciting new school year. Invitations to join year 4 class dojo will be sent home during the first week back.   


Literacy (reading and writing) 

Year 4 pupils will begin the year learning about the popular legend ‘The Loch Ness Monster’. Pupils will use their knowledge and literacy skills to plan and write their own magazine article and story about the monster.  Pupils will be listened to every day in guided reading activities. By reading extra at home it enables your child to broaden their vocabulary and become fluent with their reading, whilst also understanding what they are reading. 


Maths will mainly focus on place value and mental/written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Pupils will apply their knowledge and skills to solve reasoning style problems. 


Please note that Year 4 will be sitting a national times tables test in the summer term. Therefore, it is extremely important that pupils learn the multiplication facts up to x12. They will be tested every Thursday in class and they will be working towards achieving 50 times tables in 3 minutes. 

You can help your child to achieve this by practicing times tables at home or using TT Rockstars website which is funded by the school. 



Further curriculum subjects & Topic 

In our History topic, the pupils will be learning about the Scots, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. They will create timelines and use historical skills to find out more about these invaders and settlers. 


Science this term will focus on Sound. This will involve them in investigating how sounds are made and how it travels. 


Our focus in RE this half term is Hinduism. We will be exploring Hindus’ beliefs and learning about the Hindu festival ‘Diwali’. 


In ICT, we will be learning about the Internet. 


In Art & Design, pupils will be storytelling through drawings.  


Our PSHE focus will be on relationships with friends and family. 


Class reminders 

P.E is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kits on these days. 

Homework and spellings will be handed out on Fridays and expected to be in school by the following Thursday. 

Home reading and Times Tables are encouraged every night with books changed in school when brought in. 


