General information
Welcome to our class.
Daily routine
Each day starts off with a Guided Reading session and reading tasks. The children are in small groups and they all get a chance to read independently, complete work around their book and complete independent comprehension tasks.
English and Maths is taught every day to build on the skills they have already been taught in previous lessons. In our class we also do a separate session of Mental Maths and Spelling to help the children consolidate their knowledge. During the week Science, RE, PE, History, Geography, Music, Computing and Art or DT are taught in the afternoons.
Class Dojo
We use Class Dojo as a reward system and as a method in which to communicate with parents and carers. We use the dojo system on a daily basis to reward the children and the children aim to reach certain amounts of dojos to earn prizes/treats.
Home Reading
Reading is an important aspect of school life and children are expected to read at home when possible to help them with their fluency, understanding and confidence.
The children are expected to bring their book bags into school each day so that they can change their book. Each time they read it needs to be recorded in their yellow reading book so that they can strive to earn reading certificates.
Times Tables
Times tables are really important and will help with many areas of Maths. The children will complete a times table challenge each week. In year 2 they are working towards achieving 30 times tables in 3 minutes. All children have access to the TT Rock Stars website.
To access TT Rock Stars, click the link below and enter the login details provided at the front of your homework book.