Year 5 Curriculum Overview Summer 1
Welcome back Year 5 as we begin the first half of the Summer Term.
The Year 5 narrative this term is 'The Explorer' by the author Katherine Rundell. This rainforest themed story links well with our Geography topic this term. The children will begin the term by analysing vocabulary linked to the rainforest then using this to write a poem. We will then complete a number of short writing tasks based on the story, characters and setting, before the children plan and write their own rainforest story. The last two weeks of term will be dedicated to debates. The children will look at points for and against the destruction of the rainforest before participating in a whole class debate.
We will begin our maths learning this half term by recapping place value. From there, we will learn all about fractions: ordering, comparing, simplifying, adding, subtracting and multiplying. Our geometry focus this half term will include identifying 3D shapes, distinguishing between regular and irregular polygons, properties of rectangles and coordinates.
Our learning in science is all about lifecycles and reproduction. Firstly looking at sexual and asexual plant reproduction, before moving onto lifecycles of humans and animals. we will have lots of exciting things going on in the classroom; seeing if we can grow plants in different ways, and looking closely at our caterpillars as they turn into butterflies through metamorphosis.
Our geography topic this term is the Amazon Rainforest, which will cover a range of geography skills. We will begin by identifying where the world's rainforests are, then through this we will consider how significant their position is in relation to climate and biome. The children will then work together to investigate the various layers of the rainforest and how each plant, animal and insect plays a part within the biome. We will be learning about the many tribes of the rainforest and the issues they face. We will finish our topic by looking at what the rainforest provides us with and destruction of the rainforests.
PE will now take place each week on Tuesday with Team Theme, and also on Wednesday with Mrs Goulding. In the Tuesday session, the children will be using their map skills to complete tasks through orienteering. Please remember to have full PE kit in for both sessions and also jewellery must be removed before the session takes place.
Our topic in French this term is L'habitat (habitats). The children will learn the vocabulary needed to discuss various habitats in French and also the animals and plants that can be found there.